Saturday, September 24, 2005

The one with tonight's celebration

Yesterday, Nathan, our "butterball of energy," turned two. Yes, it's that fast! Cathy took him and Cel, the nanny, to work so she could spend the day with him while I went to work on my own. God has been so incredibly good to us, seriously.

Tonight, however, is the party. We've booked the Taft Avenue/Vito Cruz/La Salle Jollibee for Nathan's celebration, and from the looks of it, we're expecting around 130 people. Man! That's a lotta family and friends.

Will post pictures tomorrow. God superbless!


Caths Deen said...'s obvious you miss Cel. Our new yaya is Nene.

Ganns said...

LOL Ohmigosh, you're right!... Don't tell her.