Thursday, January 27, 2005

The one with my thoughts on my birthday (and a wish list!)

My birthday's coming up exactly one month from today. :p Man, I'm going to be 28! I imagine when most people sit and ask themselves, what have I done with my life, they must be quite thrilled with themselves. I, on the other hand, acknowledge I have too much to do.

Haven't planted a church. Haven't brought anybody back to Jesus. Haven't lost 80 pounds. Haven't made even close to a million bucks. Haven't done this, haven't done that.

But see, ultimately, what we know is that works - good or bad! - don't matter in this life much. What matters is that we are saved by Jesus, through His grace, simply by faith. Everything else follows. :)

So I'm turning 28 and haven't accomplished much. Big deal. I have a beautiful wife, a wonderful son, health, and years of plenty ahead of me. That, by far, is the best gift I've gotten thus far.

Since I'm wishing anyway, I don't recall having ever made a wish list, so, seeing one on Wifely's, I decided to make one for myself. Why not?

1) The South Beach Diet, hardbound. P788 (20% discount right now at National on all imported books). If I'm going to be on this diet, I wanna do it right. God bless you, Jaq, for saying I've lost weight. 15 pounds and 65 to go.

2) Chairman of the Board package at Pranav New York at the Galleria. It's a male spa - the only one in the Philippines! - and I could use the break.

3) Gift certificates at National Bookstore, Goodwill, Powerbooks, Rustan's, or Music1. *sniff*

4) The Golden Girls on DVD! "I'm givin' the meatloaf a thrill!"

5) A way to distribute the remaining 2,000 copies of LIVEtheLIFE. :p

6) A chance to meet some A&R people at any of the major record labels. I'm telling you, my songs are good, give it a chance.

7) A job teaching English or literature abroad. Seriously. If I had a chance, I'd grab it.

8) World peace. Yeah, everyone wants that, except Dubya.


Jay said...

I love this. It's like a gift registry. The problem being that it's not a wedding yet the gifts remain lavish! Ganns, my dear friend, my brother like no other... I love you man...I love you enough to tell you that I am looking for kahati to get you the Golden Girls complete on DVD...but if I can't find kahati...I can tell you where you can get the 6 disc set for only 900.

Heffer Wolfe said...

about that wish #6, ya don't need big studio bosses to distribute your work. mag-burn ka na lang ng CDs and magbenta ka sa mga events. ganun din ginagawa namin sa mga indie comics namin. mas madali na trabaho mo, lahat pa ng kita sa 'yo.

Ganns said...

Jay, are you saying you can get the complete 6-DVD set of Golden Girls pirated, at P900?! That's terrible! That's horrendous! That's abominable!

I'll email you later. ;)