Thursday, June 30, 2005

The one with the thanks

I thank God for:
1) My beautiful and understanding wife. Not too many women would put up with a husband who takes forever to decide what it is he'd like to do, but Cathy has supported every decision I've made with Godly love and patience. I pray she be superblessed for everything she's done.
2) My intelligent and effervescent baby boy. Nathan won't stop talking, running, and laughing. Sure, he's getting to that age where he's starting to get picky with his food, and his personality's rapidly building up towards breaking point, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My son is healthy, good-looking, and a joy whichever way you put it.
3) My church. No matter which way you look at it, this church loves me in Christ-centered fashion. When my dad died, they visited and even helped out a little financially. God's love made tangible and manifest. Praise God for them.
4) Music. My music and the music made by musicians across the world keeps me sane.
5) Potential jobs. No announcements until everything is final, but God has sent ways and means to keep my family afloat until I launch everything intended to bring glory to His name.

God, You're so good to me. Thank you so much. Thanks for loving me. Thanks for sending Your Son to die on that cross for me. Thank you for never leaving my side, even if I've been such an a**. Grabeh, Lord, thank You.

1 comment:

hazella said...

wow, you're really superblessed and acknowledged it. i just read from a friend's blog that the tiny things in life are really what makes our GOD a great GOD because it shows His intimacy with His people...GOd bless more anf more! :)